
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2016

Ritos de pasaje en adolescentes

Dos notas que permiten un avance sobre los cambios en la formación de nuestros jóvenes y sus posibles consecuencias. En la primera se pone en contexto la cuestión de la edad: Ritos de Pasaje para adolescentes Jan192016 Martin James Peake En la segunda nota se abordan los problemas con los excesos. En particular con el alcohol. Los ritos de iniciación del alcohol en los adolescentes José A. Elizondo **

La ideología argentina

¿Quieren saber qué es la ideología? La ideología es eso que tú haces, creencias que subyacen a nuestras prácticas independientemente de lo que digamos que pensemos y lo que digamos que hagamos. El homo oeconomicus argentino puede definirse a partir de cuatro principios que también son prácticas. Dos de ellas fueron la base sobre la cual construyó legitimidad el kirchnerismo; dos de ellas aspiran a serlo del macrismo. http://panamarevista.com/la-ideologia-argentina/

Susan Sontag_Fascinating Fascism

The Last of the Nuba is about a primitivist ideal: a portrait of a people subsisting in a pure harmony with their environment, untouched by “civilization.” All four of Riefenstahl’s commissioned Nazi films—whether about Party congresses, the Wehrmacht, or athletes—celebrate the rebirth of the body and of community, mediated through the worship of an irresistible leader. March 14, 2012  / scriptease editions Susan Sontag_Fascinating Fascism_New York Review of Books_1975 https://diekunstderfugue.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/essay_susan-sontag_fascinating-fascism_new-york-review-of-books_1975/ article ,  susan sontag THE LAST OF THE NUBA  by Leni Riefenstahl (1974) I First Exhibit. Here is a book of  126 splendid color photographs  by  Leni Riefenstahl , certainly the most ravishing book of photographs published anywhere in recent years. In the intractable mountains of the southern Sudan  live about  eight thousand aloof, godlike Nuba , emblems of p...

The Allman Brothers Story por Cameron Crowe

"I was 16 when Rolling Stone sent me out on the road with the Allman Brothers Band. I spent over two weeks amassing interviews with all the band members and their roadies. The night before I was to leave, Gregg Allman - still mourning the recent deaths of his legendary guitarist-brother Duane Allman and bassist Berry Oakley - had a late-night vision that the FBI could possibly be using me to investigate his band. He demanded all my tapes back until further notice. I left the tour in an emotional mess and wound up catatonic in the San Francisco airport, where I ran into my then-stewardess sister Cindy. She cheered me up and sent me home. Days later, the tapes arrived at my house with an apology note from Gregg Allman. I never told the magazine. It was my first cover story." - Cameron Crowe - Summer 2000 The Allman Brothers Story por Cameron Crowe Artículo para Rolling Stone Magazine In which a rock & roll band from Dixie struggles in dreary motels, six-session-a-night grin...